🎉 Exciting News – 23. December 2024 🎉
🎉 Spannende Neuigkeiten – 23.12.2024 🎉


The only place where the comment function is activated.
There are several reasons for this:

The main reason would be that I want to prevent the amount of spam.
Thousands of spam comments have already accumulated, alone through this single comment section.
I don’t want to imagine how many I would already have if the comment function would be activated everywhere on this blog ????

On the other hand, I would also like to avoid discussions and disputes.
This blog should merely just serve as information for you and because it is just my little hobby.
I don’t want to waste my time checking and deleting unnecessary comments as well.

I have installed a plugin that automatically deletes all the spam immediately.
In doing so, I hope that your message will not be mistakenly identified as spam and deleted as well.

So, let’s go.

Do you have any other questions?

Is there anything that bothers you?

Have you found any writing mistakes or display errors?

Do you have suggestions for improvement or tips?

Would you like to give me feedback or do you have any criticism?

Do you have romance-anime recommendations?

Or, can you give me recommendations about romance-anime that I should put on the blacklist because they contain any taboo facts?

Then please be sure to leave me a comment!

Very easily:

Just write your comment in the comment box.
It is not necessary to enter your name or your e-mail!
(Most of the time I get a bit skeptical when I see questionable email addresses or user names, as they are often spam.)

After you have written your comment, send it off.
As soon as I read and approve your comment, it will later be visible to everyone.
Usually after a few hours, but sometimes it can take even 1-2 days.

In case you can’t/don’t want to comment here and would rather write me privately, that’s also no problem.
You can also contact me simply by e-mail:


I look forward to every message and will reply as soon as I can!

31 responses to “Comments”

  1. GJ avatar

    This site is the romance genre lovers cheat book 🙂

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      That’s a great alternative definition that I can totally agree with 😂

  2.  avatar

    quick thank you 🙂

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      I am glad that I could be of help to you 🙂

  3. Pirgh avatar

    Hey There,

    Just stumbled across this blog and it’s amazing. Romance has always been my favorite genre of anime as I don’t think Western tv was ever very good at portraying a satisfying romance without them breaking up or cheating on each other every other episode.

    I only wish it contained waaaay more romance anime. I personally ain’t a big fan of watching a romantic/dramatic anime and then it ends sadly for no good reason. The ability to look at an anime on this blog that I want to watch and just open up to see if you’ve given it bad/bitter/sweet ending is so appreciated.

    I’ll definitely come back to this blog. Until then, here’s a very sweet romance anime you may or may not have watched: Ore Monogatari!!

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Oh hey Pirgh, sorry I forgot to reply to you!

      I feel you on everything you said about western TV. It’s really sad that it happens so often that romance is used for bad purposes. At least with anime/manga, it’s most of the time done right.

      Yes I know, and I’m reeaally sorry, that I can’t make up more time to create more posts 😓 I hope that will change sometime in the next few years.

      Thanks for checking in every once in a while 🙂
      Yeah, I watched Ore Monogatari a long time ago, and I definitely recommend it too.

  4. CASPERC avatar

    hey again! that image slider update was great since it is now much easier to follow the latest post that you have uploaded. Have always been checking from time to time and appreciate the effort in creating such an informative website 🙂 Be sure to watch Horimiya from last season! have been waiting for it to finish before recommending xD

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey CASPERC, good to hear from you again and I’m glad you like the image slider. Thanks for visiting my blog every now and then.
      Yep, Horimiya is on my list. I’ll watch it as soon as I have more time, and hopefully write a post about it.

      Speaking of last season, I just created a short post about Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san.
      It’s currently airing, and I’ll be updating it every week.

      Also, next week I will publish the new post that I have almost finished. Check that one out when you have time 🙂

      PS: Thanks for the correction

  5.  avatar

    Hey! I really appreciate your effort in creating this blog. It has helped me in choosing what romance anime to watch. The information included in each anime is just wonderful and amazing.

    I hope you are doing good! Always keep safe so that you can make more of these! Don’t forget to take care of yourself okay? Thank you so much for this blog!

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey, thank you I am doing good, I hope you aswell 🙂
      I am very happy to hear that I could help you out, and thanks a lot for appreciating my work.
      I will nerver stop making new post (I’m just a little bit slow 😅)

  6.  avatar

    hey there!!! really liked this blog ……. really looking forward for more reviews. keep up the good workđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș best of luck for the future…i also wanted to add some reccomendation…its wierd but give it a try…. SHOUJO AI .also known as lesbian romance🙃(not harem….harem version is called yuri)….im a dude and i know its wierd that a dude watches SHOUJO AI….but the amount of emotion is SHOUJO AI is 10 times more expressed than your regular romance which is why i like this genre….very moving and emotional….i see citrus in your blacklist thats really good….but pls also watch bloom into you(Yagate Kimi ni Naru) ….personally i think SHOUJO AI is very underrated ….cant wait for your reviewsđŸ€—đŸ€—
    [i have given my mail….does that mean i get notifications??( i want notifications looking forward for the udates)]

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey, I’m glad you like it. Thank you 🙂

      I’m usually not into Shoujo Ai or Yuri, but I’ve heard of ‘Bloom Into You (Yagate Kimi ni Naru)’ as being really good and heartwarming. Maybe I’ll give it a try in the future.

      As for the notification:
      If you have Twitter, you can follow me there. I tweet every time I upload a new post.

      But if you don’t have Twitter, then of course I can send you a quick email notification whenever I upload new posts.
      (I don’t have a newsletter yet, but very likely will at a later time).

  7. Rob7 avatar

    Hallo mein Romance Checker!

    Thanks for keeping this page, i got some great recommendations here! Although i’m not fan of typical shoujo, for me a good romance is the best seasoning for the genres i like.

    I try to avoid spoilers, but at least knowing that an anime will develops a wholesome love story is something i cherish for adding it to my plan to watch. And the way you do it without spoil the anime is excelent, please keep doing it!

    Last year i bookmarked a list made by a MAL user with +200 anime series where some relevant romance is present in its plot. I want to share it, but i don’t know if posting the google docs link here is safe for the source, so i’m sending by e-mail. Please check it there! Thanks!

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hallo Rob7 🙂

      Thanks for appreciating my work, I try my best and I’m glad I could help you with my recommendations.

      And thank you very much for the list. I have found an updated link to that list that I will send to you by e-mail as well.

      For everyone else who wants this list, just google: Romance Anime Spreadsheet
      It should be the first link on Google that is titled: (REVISED) LIST OF ANIME WITH ACTUAL ROMANCE (Last…

      The recommendations on this list aren’t as detailed as my posts, but there are a lot and could definitely help some people who are looking for really light spoilers.
      As for me, the list might help me a little in deciding which anime to pick up next to write about.

  8. CasperC avatar

    hey! really love your site it is really helpful, have been searching for light-hearted romance animes to just chill after a whole day of studying.

    here are a few recommendations from me:
    – tonikaku kawaii (light hearted romance)
    – Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken (really short episodes of a couple in their daily life)

    trying to look for more but its hard to find good ones. all the best on the updates and will be following this!

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey, thank you 🙂 and I’m glad I could help you out.

      Tonikaku Kawaii is actually on my watch list.
      Yes, Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken is a good one too.
      I’ve been planning to write a post about it for a long time now. I hope in the next few months.

      Thanks for the recommendations.
      There will be a news about the upcoming recommendation-posts I want to make later, watch out for it.

      1. CasperC avatar

        Adding another one to the list:
        – Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen

        By the way, regaring the post status section,are those progress referring to a certain anime that you are working on? you might have missed out the anime title if it is so.

        1. RomanceCheck avatar

          Yes exactly, the progress in the post status refers to one specific anime that I have watched currently and am working on right now.
          The missing title is intentional. It is meant to be a little surprise for you of course ^^

  9. Tomas Caglieri avatar
    Tomas Caglieri

    Hello! Nice and very original blog. My greetings and luck. I recommend you Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (A bit bittersweet), Parasyte: The Maxim, Golden Time (I need your opinion of the final).
    Thanks and sorry for the bad english

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey, thank you and thanks for the recommendations 🙂

  10. Mark Yang avatar
    Mark Yang

    I wish I had found this website a lot earlier! It’s so handy and definitely more unique than what other bloggers have! Although romance is a very niche genre, especially finding “good” ones, I really appreciate your tastes in romance anime as shown through how you organize your reviews! It’s the little things about your blog that I just like about it like how you have two different lists: “Anime”, “Blacklist”, as well as how you save the viewers time in deciding whether the anime is worth watching by having criteria that they can click on to see when a certain thing happens “Love Confession”, “Couples”, etc! Just wanted to leave this comment here to essentially praise you for making this blog, thanks! Just some suggestions from me are: I would for sure enjoy looking at what you have to say for an anime you reviewed on discord and facebook, as those are the two main platforms I go on and check actively (not necessarily you reviewing on either platform, but like letting the viewers know you wrote a new review)! No sweat on not making a discord or a facebook, just having a blog by itself is already a ballgame on it’s own, but it would be awesome to see what’s new on your blog! To end things off, I’d suggest watching Ride Your Wave (movie), Toradora (series), Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou (series), Honobono Log (short episodes), Isshuukan Friends (series) and Bloom Into You (series). Side note: not all of these necessarily have a dating relationship, but most pertaining to romance.

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Wow, that is a lot, and I am overjoyed.
      So first of all, a big thank you for your praise and for taking the time to look at my blog and write me feedback on various points.

      Now to your suggestions.
      As for the viewers, to let them know what’s new or when I wrote a new review, I created a Twitter account a few days ago.
      I decided to use Twitter for the beginning.
      Firstly, because I think that I could reach some new visitors with it.
      And secondly, I can turn off the comment section on Twitter (for reasons like, avoiding discussions and disputes).
      I can’t disable the comment section on Facebook yet, but as soon as this function is available, I will also create a Facebook account.
      As for Discord, I am not really that familiar with it.
      But I belive it is more of a discussion platform, that needs to be modereated and so on…
      I think I will not use Discord for now, because that would require a bit more attention, and time which I don’t have that much.
      And besides, as I mentioned earlier, I would like to avoid discussions and disputes at the moment.

      And finally your anime recommendations.

      Ride Your Wave – Noted, thank you.
      Toradora – That’s a classic, I watched it a long time ago.
      Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou – This is a really cute one, too bad there is no second season. At least the manga is finished, but I haven’t read it yet.
      Honobono Log – That’s also a heartwarming anime. Can be watched in one go. I did it on YouTube ^^
      Isshuukan Friends – Is on my watchlist, but I don’t know yet if I will write a post about it, maybe later at some point.
      Bloom Into You – Is on my watchlist.

      Sidenote from me: Some of them will get a post one day. I hope soon. Thanks again for your feedback 🙂

  11. Zex avatar

    More Spoilers!!!!

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      I’m confused on what you are referring to. More facts? More details? Or just more anime posts?
      If it’s the last one… I’m working on it, sorry 🙏
      On the other hand, I have an update planned for next weekend. So stay tuned 🙂

  12. Khandaker Faisal avatar
    Khandaker Faisal

    What does blacklist and outdated mean in the status?

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      You can read this here.

  13.  avatar

    Hello, i just wanted to say that i love your blog and i hope is still active . I’m always searching for new romance anime (and mangas) and for me your blog is awesome ,I love the organization of it (specially the confessions and Ntr parts 😉 ). I’ll keep checking for the new stuff you write. I hope your in good health with what is happining in the world.
    And have a nice day.

    P.S : Sorry for my english its the best i can do hehe.

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Hey, thank you, everything is fine for now, I just have a lot of other stuff to do and can’t properly work on my newest post. But I hope that it will be done by the end of this month.
      Thanks for your feedback, i really appreciate it. Have a nice day and stay healthy as well.

  14.  avatar

    I love this blog. I’ll keep checking as long as you’re willing to write. I’m very picky about what romance anime I start watching just like you. I’ve seen all the classics but I’m always looking for hidden gems. A blog like this can really help people discover them. Thank you.

    1. RomanceCheck avatar

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Yes, I am willing to write, but unfortunately it got a little difficult to have some free time now, because I have a new job where I work in shifts.
      Nonetheless, I try to work on the blog at least a few hours in the week, and use the weekends to work a lot more.
      But I will go into more detail in an updated News post, after posting my latest work.

      Thanks again for your comment. It helps and motivates me to see that I can actually help some people.
      I started to think that my visitors were just internet bots, hehe.

  15.  avatar

    I need more dog food come on man come on feed me some good end dog food

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