🎉 Exciting News – 23. December 2024 🎉
🎉 Spannende Neuigkeiten – 23.12.2024 🎉


I have been a big anime fan for quite some time now.
But preferably I like to watch romance anime or those that contain romance.
Over the years I’ve watched so many of them now that I’m just annoyed or disgusted by some romance moments, or even being too heartbreaking for me.
There are just certain things that I can’t and don’t want to see in romance anime, and would like to avoid them. (Taboo Facts)
Based on that, I’ve become quite picky and thus started to inform and spoil myself about the anime I want to watch.
So whenever I found an anime I was interested in, I checked on different anime sites and forums if the anime contained my personal taboo facts.
Afterwards it was very easy. In case the anime contained my personal taboo facts, I noted down the anime and avoided it.
If none of my personal taboo facts were contained, I watched the anime normally and hoped that something good would come out of the romance.

So why the blog?

There are several reasons why I started this blog.

For one, to calm down and to vent a little bit about the romance that is shown in some anime.
Sometimes it just serves me as a distraction or a change of pace from all the mental stress in my head, hehe.
Somehow I have found fun in it and see it as my hobby.
But unfortunately I don’t always have that much time, because I have to go to work and do other stuff during the day.

On the other hand, if on top of that I can help a few romance-anime fans like me to find new anime, then I’m even more happy.
After all, everyone has his own personal taboo facts.
That’s why you can spoil the anime of your choice here and avoid it if it contains one of your taboo facts.
So you can save yourself a lot of time, anger, despair, tears etc. and invest time in another anime which would be more suitable for you.
You can find the anime containing my personal taboo facts in the blacklist.

Also, as I wrote above, before I watched an anime I searched for spoilers on various anime sites and forums.
Among them I found a few blogs like mine here on the internet.
But they haven’t been updated for a long time and don’t offer as many spoilers or are not as detailed.
So I thought I’d just create my own blog, where I list anime and spoiler the contained romance.
Although I’m not that fast with the upload, but I do it more detailed.
And, I always try to keep you up to date with the latest news or post status, so you know that the site is still alive, hehehe.

What do you find on this blog and how does it work?

The homepage:
From here you can reach all important pages you need.
If you are not on the homepage, you can access all important pages through the menu at the top.

Anime-posts page:
Here you can see a list of all the anime I’ve checked and uploaded so far.
Thereby you see only the front view of each anime, with the anime information and my given romance rating.
As soon as you click on “Spoil Yourself”, you’ll get to the complete main page of the anime.
The Romance-facts will then be displayed there.

On the right side you will find the Sidebar with various information:

– Search:
Here you can search for the title of an anime or for the facts.
(Doesn’t work yet as well as I would like it to).

– Spoiler warning:
For new visitors and visitors who accidentally land on my site.
So that these are not badly surprised.
I do not want to spoil the experience to uninformed visitors here.

– Information about the latest anime post

– Facts:
If you select a fact here, animes containing this fact will be shown.

– Categories:
If you select one of the three categories, anime will be shown which have been noted with that status.


Anime that I put on the blacklist because of my taboo facts.
Some of the blacklisted anime also end up on the anime posts page as soon as they are checked, thanks to volunteer helpers, and then uploaded by me.
These will then be marked as Blacklist in the status.

Post status:

On the post status page you can always follow the progress of the latest anime that is in the making.
In addition, I also always state when I last worked on it.


In the changelog you can find all changes I have made on the blog so far.

Twitter and share options:

The twitter account is mainly only meant to keep you informed about the latest posts or changes.
That might be good for people who don’t always have time to check the post status, or who want to know immediately if there is something new on the blog.

Furthermore you can share the posts with other people.
To simplify things I have now added some share buttons under each post.
Share my blog where you think people should know about it.
Or help people who are looking for a specific anime.
Maybe that one is uploaded to my blog, then you can share the post to that person.

And thus you would also help me or rather the blog to grow and reach new visitors and help them in turn.

So, feel free to follow me on twitter, leave a like or share my content.
That would make me very happy.

What might be important to mention is that I disable the comment section on Twitter, for a couple of reasons.


I would also like to apologize here for errors in the blog.
This is my first blog, so I’m still testing here and there, adding new things or experimenting with new ideas.
Therefore it can happen that some things are displayed wrong or incorrectly.

Besides, German is not my strength.
I am not German, but I was born and raised in Germany.
My school grades in German have always been between 4 and 5…
(Just so that you know: 1 is the best and 6 is the worst grade.)
Therefore I have my texts checked and translated by spell check programs before I publish a new post.
This way I avoid most spelling mistakes and my texts are somewhat readable for you.
Nevertheless it can still happen that you will find some spelling or grammar mistakes.

So if you notice any page errors/spelling mistakes or if you have questions or criticism, you can contact me on several ways:

I would be very happy about your feedback.

And finally some general information about the future of this blog:

Since this is my first blog and I have no programming experience, I decided to create the blog for the beginning with WordPress.
I was more or less able to implement the main functions as far as I imagined them to be.
For example, the anime post page and the spoilers that pop up when you click.
Or the Blacklist and the Changelog pages.

Since I speak three languages, I write my posts on this blog first in German and then translate them into English.
I also thought about translating the blog in my native language later on.
But since it would take a lot of time, I will leave it for now.

Actually I would have much more ideas and bigger goals for this blog.
But this is not possible for me at the moment, because first of all I don’t find so much time for it and secondly WordPress doesn’t allow me to do it the way I’d like to.
Or, I would have to invest a lot of money for it, which I do not have.

So as long as I can help just a couple of people with this blog, it will remain a hobby blog for the time being.
But in case this blog will get some more visitors in the future, I would like to try to earn money with it.
How, I don’t know yet, but the money would definitely help me to expand the site.
However, this will be announced later on.

Until then, I wish you good luck finding an anime on my blog and hope that I could help some of you with my spoilers.