Post status

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Romance content = Low

Episodes watched:

50 of 50

Search for cover and character images:

9 of 9 Images

Editing cover and character images:

9 of 9 Images

Section ➜ Anime Information:


Section ➜ General facts:

4 of 4 Sections Completed (Translation ongoing - 0/4)

Section ➜ General facts:

10 of 12 Sections Completed (Translation ongoing - 0/12)

Section ➜ My opinion:

2 of 6 Sections Completed (Translation ongoing - 0/6)

🇩🇪 ➜ 🇬🇧
Translation / Spell checking:

0 of 0 Words

Last edited:

21. July 2024

Release on:

?. ? 2024