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Anime Information ⍰
🇯🇵 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
🇬🇧 Erased
Adaption from: Manga
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Titel | Episodes | Release date | Release season | |
Season 1 | Boku dake ga Inai Machi | 12 | 08. January 2016 ‑ 25. March 2016 | Winter 2016 |
General facts ⍰
Romance facts ⍰
My opinion
Since my taboo facts are very strong in ‘Boku dake ga Inai Machi’, this anime is added to my blacklist.
As an audiovisual producer I can say with full confidence that the work that went into this anime was done very well.
It may not seem like a big deal, but that’s for sure the goal.
The anime looks cold, dark and scary sad.
Just by the looking, it just simply plays with your feelings.”
Satoru Fujinuma:
The main character is a struggling manga author with a supernatural power.
This enables, or rather, forces him to prevent deaths and catastrophes that happen near him by sending him back in time when an accident occurs, repeating the scene until the accident is prevented.
Kayo Hinazuki:
The main heroine is abused by her mother and is also the first victim of the serial killer.
Satoru Fujinuma tries to get closer to her in order to prevent her from being murdered.
Airi Katagiri:
Secondary Heroine (main) Airi Katagiri is a high school student and Satoru Fujinuma’s co-worker at Oasi Pizza.
She gets involved with Satoru Fujinuma when she realized oddities.
Because Satoru Fujinuma succeeded in saving people from life-threatening incidents.
She was one of the few who decided to trust Satoru Fujinuma when he was framed for the murder of his mother.
Sachiko Fujinuma:
She is Satoru Fujinuma’s mom and has nothing to do with romance, but just wanted to express how important and well done her character is in the story.
In the first timeline, Sachiko Fujinuma is killed as soon as she has found out the identity of the serial killer.
Therefore the power of “revival” is a gift to Satoru Fujinuma.
Well, the opinions about the end of the anime differ from each other.
Even Vaders and my opinion is different.
Vaders opinion:
“It can be seen as a happy ending unless you were rooting for the Satoru Fujinuma x Kayo Hinazuki shipping, since she ends up married with a different guy and even had a child.
But no blame can be placed on her, since Satoru Fujinuma was in a coma for about 15 years.
Once you reach the end, you have a satisfying feeling and you gladly smile, because you can see how after so much effort everyone got what they deserved (in a positive way)”.
From my side (and also the reason why the anime is on the blacklist), I consider this a bad (NTR) end.
During the whole anime we get to see, how Satoru Fujinuma and Kayo Hinazuki will spend a lot of time together, how they slowly develop feelings for each other (maybe a little more from Kayo Hinazuki’s side), and how he tries his best to save her life.
And then boom, at the end we suddenly get Kayo Hinazuki with a different guy (who was completely irrelevant in the anime).
That is kind of a big surprise. A big bad surprise, from my point of view.
Yes, I get it, I know that he was in a coma for 15 years and she had to move on. So it is more realistic and logical.
Don’t get me wrong, I certainly understand this point of view and it is absolutely reasonable, but… it’s a fictional story, damn it!
Leave me this wholesome happy end, which will most likely never happen in real life.
After all, that’s the purpose of fiction.
All right, the author wanted to be realistic and logical. But wait, what is that?
A funny comment I read somewhere:
“The serial killer was more loyal than Kayo Hinazuki, expecting Satoru Fujinuma to wake up from his coma.”
Hmmm.. Now the author goes back and makes it illogical and fictional again?
Then Sachiko Fujinuma could also have dropped the relocation of Satoru Fujinuma, and Kayo Hinazuki would still be at his side.
And why at all, did Satoru Fujinuma have to be in a coma for such a long time?
If he had woken up earlier, the whole drama could have been avoided.
These are some questionable aspects I have for the end.
Not only that, but in the end the anime also even tries to hint that Satoru Fujinuma might end up with a girl 12! years younger. Really?
I know that Satoru Fujinuma and Kayo Hinazuki were also not the same age when Satoru Fujinuma was in his child body.
But in the end they were the same age, and I think it would have been much more romantic to see them reunited together as a couple.
In my opinion, it would also have had a stronger impact if Satoru Fujinuma’s coma had been shorter and his mother had not relocated him to another hospital.
And so, for example, to get a small glimpse of how Kayo Hinazuki and Sachiko Fujinuma take care of Satoru Fujinuma while he is in a coma, as well as a short side story of them.
Then, when he wakes up, there is this joyful moment of happiness for the two important women in his life.
What a waste of an opportunity here ☹️

Many thanks to: xVaDeRx
A volunteer who provided me with information about ‘Boku dake ga Inai Machi’.
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