Anime Information ⍰
🇯🇵 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
🇬🇧 Teasing Master Takagi-san
Adaption from: Manga
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Title | Episodes / Duration | Release date | Release season | |
Season 1 | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san | 12 | 08. January 2018 ‑ 26. March 2018 | Winter 2018 |
OVA | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san: Water Slider | 1 | 10. July 2018 | Summer 2018 |
Season 2 | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 | 12 | 07. July 2019 ‑ 22. September 2019 | Summer 2019 |
Season 3 | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3 | 12 | 08. January 2022 ‑ 26. March 2022 | Winter 2022 |
Movie | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Movie | 73 min | 10. June 2022 | Summer 2022 |
The post is still on the state of season 1.
As soon as season 3 is released, I will update this post again.
(Admittedly, I’ve been a little hyped ever since I heard there was going to be a 3rd season and even a movie. 🥳)
General facts ⍰
Romance facts ⍰
My opinion
There is a German saying. It goes somthing like this: “Lovers always tease each other.”
‘Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san’ is mainly only about Takagi and Nishikata, and how Nishikata is constantly teased by Takagi with little pranks.
Takagi always does that without any bad intentions, and I always think that it’s really cute, the way she does it.
Nishikata often tries to see through Takagi’s pranks and thwart them, so that he then can play pranks on her.
Which, of course, he does not succeed, thus creating many sweet moments.
On the other hand, the pranks could appear a bit repetitive and boring after a few episodes, as the development of the romance relationship is often disturbed and so romantic progress gets slowed down.
Also, it gets somewhat annoying with Nishikata, but more about him under Character.
Thus, the anime remains indeed on a very sweet level, but the serious romantic part is often neglected.
There are also a few heartwarming and funny moments and a little cute drama moment in episode 12.
In some scenes a small group of girls are shown, who also have funny moments.
I found the animation pretty and fits well with the anime.
Takagi and Nishikata:
Takagi has a more adult and intelligent personality.
She always knows exactly what, when and how she has to make/say something in order to play a prank on Nishikata.
So she then makes no mistakes, and that may seem boring and repetitive for some after a few episodes.
But in one episode, Takagi gets surprised by Nishikata when suddenly says something totally sweet to Takagi.
Which makes Takagi shortly stunned and hides her joy from Nishikata.
As Nishikata leaves, you can see a slightly disturbed grin on Takagi’s face.
Probably because she is still trying to hide her joy.
So be careful, it will be extremely sweet 🙂 🙂
That Takagi is in love with Nishikata, gets already clarified by her in the first episode.
Nishikata has a more childish and cowardly personality.
Since he always gets pranked by Takagi, he also often tries to prank her or to guess her plan and then to counter her.
Of course, he always fails because Takagi can easily see through him.
An annoying thing about Nishikata is that his cowardly personality sometimes is a bit exaggerated.
This is another reason why there is less romance in Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san.
This again slows down the romantic progress and the development of the love relationship gets dragged on.
But I think that’s more likely the concept of the anime.
That Nishikata is in love with Takagi, you can determine pretty clearly from the beginning.
However, he himself just starts to realizes, at almost the end of the anime, that he may, could be in love with Takagi.
‘Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san’ ended with a sweet normal ending and makes you want more.
The 2nd season have already been released.
(But I haven’t included spoilers from it in this post yet).
The 3rd season will be aired soon and a movie has been announced.
And since I enjoy the anime a lot, I’m looking forward to the next releases even more.
I’m curious to see if something from the sequel manga ‘Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san’ might be shown at some point.
(For more information ➜ Will the couple get together?)
Once the 3rd season is released, I’ll update this post again!
Episode Rating:
I rated episode 11 the best.
I rated episode 8 the worst.
The other episodes were mostly very good.
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