Anime Information ⍰
🇯🇵 Kimi no na wa
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Adaption from: Original
Type: Movie
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Title | Duration | Release date | Release season | |
Movie | Kimi no na wa | 107 min | 03. July 2016 | Summer 2016 |
General facts ⍰
Romance facts ⍰
My opinion
I have divided the film into three parts for a better overview.
‘Kimi no na wa’ once ranked 2nd on MyAnimeList.net, but has dropped to 20th place with a rating of 8.90/10.
However, it has over 2 million votes.
This movie was extremely hyped when it came out.
But I waited for a while first.
At some point it came here in the movie theater and I watched it there.
And now comes my opinion, which most likely will not all share with me:
Apart from the good animation, the music and a few plot twists, the movie does not really have much to offer.
You get in the 1st part of the film an unnecessary love triangle story with some drama to see, which later in the film has no meaning anymore.
The 2nd part is a little bit more about the romance between Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, which, however, doesn’t become that profound.
And at the end of the film there is only a small reunion.
So, the romance and drama in ‘Kimi no na wa’ is rather pretty bad.
But due to the breathtaking animation+music in the movie, an atmosphere is created that makes the moments more emotional and dramatic.
Thus, the bad moments in Kimi no na wa are embellished in a dishonest way.
What makes the movie, in my opinion, superficial.
Most mainstream viewers tend to pay more attention to the look of the anime than to the story.
And that, in my opinion, is the reason why the anime got so hyped up.
It’s a masterpiece as long as the anime looks fantastic, right??
Nope, not for me, I’m not going to be fooled by it and rate an anime not just for its looks.
Apart from that, my blog is all about romance anyway, and here too, it’s the only thing that will be rated.
Do not get it wrong now.
Creating and building an atmosphere is an important part for romance and drama.
But one should not only build a great atmosphere with the animation and music but also tell a reasonable romance.
If an anime such as Konbini Kareshi had such an atmosphere, it would certainly have been hyped like Kimi no na wa.
So, to put it in short:
I would have liked to have had more heartwarming moments between Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, which in my opinion would have made the anime even better.
Animation / Audio:
What I definitely can say about Kimi no na wa is that it has an impressive animation and a very good soundtrack.
Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu:
!! I have to update this at a later time !!
Old Text:
Since anime movies are pretty short, there is not much time left to deal with each character.
But the characters were all brought across quite well in that short time.
((I personally would have liked it better if the romance drama part had not been in the first part of the movie and instead showed more of the other characters.
What I also didn’t like was that Miki Okudera smokes and Mitsuha Miyamizu has cut off her great long hair.
I’m not a big fan of women having to cut their hair to show that they are changing their lives.
But at the end of the movie, Mitsuha Miyamizu’s hair is nice and long again.))
I’ll talk about the ending of ‘Kimi no na wa’ a bit further down, at Movie Parts Rating -> Part 3.
Movieparts Rating:
I did not really like the 1st part of the film with the romance drama part about Taki Tachibana and Miki Okudera.
First, because of the age difference and secondly, the romance had no real sense and becomes completely meaningless in the later course of the anime.
The 2nd part of the movie, on the other hand, I liked more.
It was a bit more romantic, more exciting and more interesting due to the plot twist.
The 3rd part and thus the end was partly nice and partly bad.
It’s nice to see what has become of the, now adult, characters and side couples.
(For more information ➜ Will the couple get together?)
But, Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu have not seen each other for a very long time and have forgotten each other.
(For more information ➜ Time Skip?)
Then, in the end, when they meet again and start to recognize each other, the movie ends.
(For more information ➜ Amnesia?)
I would have preferred a few more minutes to see how the film would have concluded better with a romantic ending.
Besides, in the end a small detail about Miki Okudera is not revealed in the movie.
(For more information ➜ Will the couple get together?)
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