🎉 Exciting News – 23. December 2024 🎉
🎉 Spannende Neuigkeiten – 23.12.2024 🎉


Here you can inform yourself about all small or big updates that I have made on the blog.

(Attention: Updates made in the newest post will be processed later in older posts.
Updates to older posts will then be recorded here in the changelog, of course.)


18. Febrauary 2023

  • Uploaded Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
  • Recommendation-Upload of Ore Monogatari!!
  • About tab extended (information and tips page added)

17. Febrauary 2023

  • Huge design update 3.0 of the website

General Blog Page
  • First of all, I wanted my accent color to stand out a little more because everything seemed a little too contrasty and boring to me.
  • This also helps to keep the overview better in some areas.

The header has changed a bit
  • As mentioned in the last news, I have renamed the comments section.
    From ‘Guestbook’ to ‘Comments’.
    Thus, I keep the home page more minimalist.
  • I also created the ‘About’ tab.
    Here I have now moved the descriptions and the changelog.
    Maybe I will add other pages in the future.
  • And below the header is the new search function. (🔍)
    It has the live function now, and shows you the posts right away.

  • The header is now also on the home page, for easier navigation.
  • The tabs have been removed to keep the design more minimalistic.
  • Better color scheme.
  • Small area where the news are briefly explained, with redirection to the detailed news.
    I have namely for the news, a completely separate page set up for it.
  • New post slider.
    The images are finally all of a uniform size.

Anime Blog Page
  • An important new feature that I actually wanted to have in the last update, and could finally implement now.
    You can spoil yourself instantly now.
    To do this, all you have to do is click on ‘Tags / Quick Spoilers‘ at the top of the post.
    Here you will now see ALL the tags that the anime contains, respectively all the facts that are true.
  • The second thing is more of a small thing.
    The ‘Spoil Yourself’ button is back, finally.
    And the page numbering is central.

Otherwise, everything here has remained the same.


Here we now come to the most elaborate innovation.

The old spoiler function was very outdated and didn’t work very well on most browsers anymore.
I had to remove it and replace it with a new spoiler function that I think should work even better now.

  • This, of course, also got more color.
  • You can now recognize exactly which spoilers are active and which are not.
  • The spoilers are now also better packed, so the division of the other spoilers are more visible.
  • There are different types of spoilers, to better distinguish them, they are provided with different colors.
    (Black – Manga spoiler , Light Blue – spoiler with My opinion)
  • The annoying big black line that was present under the character images in the ‘couples’ is finally gone.

Since I had to edit each post individually, in both languages (80 posts in total), I also had tto spend a lot of time on it.

  • I always had to check if everything fits and looks good, also for the mobile version.
    That’s why it all took so long.
  • I also had to correct and add some stuff to a lot of posts.
  • And one very important thing I have to mention is that I made a mistake in the ‘3D Kanojo: Real Girl’ post.
    I mixed up a character in a scene, whereby I then had to completely change a fact.
    In the scene the danger of confusion is quite high.
    Therefore, I can only recommend you to look at the fact ‘NTR Vibes’ (again)!

  • The Blacklist, Post Status, Changelog and Guestbook pages have all been refreshed as well.
  • The description pages have not been changed yet!
    I will do that now subsequently, because I have thought of some new things that could be added.

Mobile users
  • Layout for mobile users revised and adapted once again.

  • Six new anime added to the blacklist.
    (More will follow soon!)


Now for the things that no longer work (for now):

  1. I couldn’t insert the progress bar under the post status in the header, which was used to see how far I had progressed with the next post.
  2. Top bar with the advanced search removed for the time being.
  3. The new search function does not yet work language-dependent.
  4. Open and close all spoilers with one click, no longer works.

When will these functions be restored?

The following problem exists:

I can’t work on problems 1 – 3 yet.

The thing is, my language plugin, does not work with all the features of the new WordPress version.
This means that I can’t design my header as freely as I would like.

The solution would be to either spend a lot of money on the premium version of the above mentioned language plugin.

Or else, wait and see.
Because WordPress is currently in a new development process.
And the problem with the language will soon solve itself.

The only issue is that it might take a few more months.
Because WordPress is still in phase 2 of its development.
And the language functionality, will be released as late as phase 4.

However, since problems 1 – 3 are rather minor, I hope you can be understanding and a little patient.

For problem 4, unfortunately, I have not yet found a solution.
I would have to read more into whether that would work at all.
Because I would really like to have this function back, as I think it’s very important.

What’s next?

I plan to create a Discord server to create a small community, maybe even a little more active, and where the community can help each other among themselves, other new visitors and maybe even me.

There I have the possibility to create different areas:

  • Of course a general one for normal chatting
  • I would like to set up an area for recommendations.
    People can then simply write their recommendation in there.
  • Maybe even a recommendation section for manga?
  • The section for anime where you think they can be added to the blacklist.
  • A volunteer section where you submit your information to me, and then I could create a new post on the blog from it.
  • And let’s see what I / we can come up with later.

10. Febrauary 2023

  • Changed the comment sections ‘Guestbook’ name to ‘Comments
  • ‘About’ tab created -> descriptions and changelog moved into it

23. Febrauary 2022

31. December 2021

23. December 2021

04. November 2021

30. October 2021

27. October 2021

23.October 2021

15. October 2021

  • Huge design update 2.0 of the website

14. October 2021

  • Baki (2018) (Season 3) information added:

    Relation table supplemented
    My opinion → Ending: Season 3 update added
  • Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san information added:

    Relation table supplemented (Season 3 and Movie)

06. October 2021

28. June 2021

  • Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Episode 11 + 12) information added:

    Couple/s – Relationship
    Harem – Character: Sunomiya
    (I will change my opinion about the anime a bit later.)

14. June 2021

06. June 2021

30. May 2021

29. May 2021

24. May 2021

  • Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Episode 7) information added:

    ‘Hayase Nagatoro female friends’ changed to ‘Hayase Nagatoro clique’
    Characters added (Hayase Nagatoro Clique)
    Interruptions at → Kiss

17. May 2021

11. May 2021

02. May 2021

  • Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Episode 4) information added:

    Interruptions at → Kiss
    Current opinion → Characters: Naoto Hachiouji

25. April 2021

23. April 2021

18. April 2021

19. March 2021

11. March 2021

  • Redesigned the homepage a little bit, with the image slider.

06. March 2021

  • Recommendation-Upload of Working!! and Www.Working!!
  • Changed category ‘Outdated’ to ‘Recommendation’
  • Image optimization to make the web site load faster
  • Changed the comment sections ‘Contact’ name to ‘Guestbook
  • Changed the title of an anime: ‘Netojuu no Susume’ to ‘Net-juu no Susume
  • Search engine optimization for all anime posts (Search engine title and description)

05. March 2021

  • Search engine optimization for some anime posts

24. February 2021

  • Instead of the page title and the homepage tab in the navigation bar at the top, you can now simply click on the logo to get to the homepage.
  • I changed the title (and subtitle) of the web page a bit

24. February 2021

  • “Thumbs up” button and Like button added to all posts

19. February 2021

24. November 2020

30. October 2020

24. October 2020

  • Fanservice Tag added
    (Strange that I didn’t had it earlier, hehe.)

17. October 2020

02. October 2020

19. September 2020

  • I have created a Twitter account

17. September 2020

13. September 2020

06. September 2020

30. August 2020

23. August 2020

05. August 2020

  • The news are now on the home page. Thus I have also changed the layout a bit.
  • For now, short description is moved to its own area
    (From there then you can also access the other descriptions.)
  • Created an own contact area for comments/feedback/ guestbook entries etc.

26. July 2020

  • My blog has now a logo ????
  • Changelog section created

10. July 2020

  • Uploaded 3D Kanojo: Real Girl
  • Images now float on names when you hover over them, so you always know who is meant.
  • The ‘fanservice’ fact changed to ‘sexual content’.
    Now there the fanservice fact will be added and also newer facts like sex scenes, rape scenes and sexual harassment.